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On Your GPS…Where is Home?

One of the biggest mistakes that many people make is leaving their GPS units in their car. If a crook were to steal your car, your GPS would likely point them right to your house by them selecting the ‘Navigate To: Home” option. Think about what would happen if your car was stolen from an airport parking lot. The criminal not only knows where you  live, but because of where your car was they also have a pretty good idea you are not home! So what should you do?

We recommend you program your home address as something only you would remember in your favorites list. So what should you put under that “Home” selection? How about the address to the closest police station to your house? Imagine their surprise when they pull up there!

Leave your lights on. it's as simple as that....Bad guys hate being under bright light, Motion sensor lights will provide a great deterant. Sometimes the most effective and simple of things are the most overlooked in favor of high tech costly solutions.

Dont be sucked in by outragious statements...If it seems to good to be true, then it probibly is. If you have doubts about what your being told in relation to your security system and / or patrol, contact us immediantly.

Stay safe friends.