
What Makes TSS Different

The business world knows that the best defense against crime is to take steps to prevent it from happening in the first place.

The fireman can put out the fires; the Security Officer tries to prevent the fire before it begins.

Paramedics  can assist the injured; the Security Officers attempts to prevent the injury before it happens.

The Police can take a burglar to jail; the Security Officer attempts to prevent the burglary from happening. The primary duty of a Security Officer is to act as a deterrent and to be the “eyes and ears” for the client and to report any type of activity that you feel is suspicious, inappropriate, unlawful or against the client’s company policy and or rules.

Please note that we are NOT general Guards, we are NOT a general patrol service. we do NOT sell or install general alarm systems
We are specialists in the field of professional private security.

At Tactical Security Solutions, we are:

    o  Professionally Licensed and registered in Queensland with ASIC, the OFT and QWLB.
    o  Professionally Trained Covert and Overt Operatives, Body guards, Close Personal Protection Operatives, Minders, Investigators and Advisors.
    o  Professional and unmistakable uniforms for Overt Operations
    o  Specialising in Private High End Security, Security Contracts, Security Audits
    o  All our Officers are Ex Military and Required to Attend Regular Advanced Training Sessions covering all aspects of our chosen areas of expertise.
    o  Utilizing only the Best in the International Security areana
    o  Success is the Only Option